The schedule of a professional Pet Sitter will typically vary from day to day, and at times, can involve several visits to numerous clients' homes. In order to provide the best pet care possible, and to make the best use of time, a Pet Sitter will usually define a service area from which she will accept clients. Often a service area will be defined by zip code, or by street boundaries or simply by a mile radius from the Pet Sitter's home. Pet Sitters who have employees may focus on multiple service areas. In other words, the service area depends upon the sitter, her time and schedule, and the population density of the area in question. My Service Area: My specialty area is downtown Orlando and most surrounding neighborhoods and communities, such as College Park, Baldwin Park, Audoban Park, Wadeview Park From downtown Orlando, this area is generally bound by, but not limited to, the following roads: -- Lee Road and I-4 to the North / Northwest There is a small fee levied for travel outside of the designated boundary lines; however, depending on your pet sitting needs and circumstances, there may be some flexibility as to the areas serviced. Please call (407) 592-2013 or email me to further discuss your service area requirements. | |||||||